Yoshi Amae and Jens Damm will attend the Joint Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS).
SESSION 686. 12:30PM-2:30PM
Cultural Heritage and Identity
Chaired by Michael Dylan Foster, Indiana University
A Pile of Stones? The Place of Preah Vihear in Thai National Consciousness
Shane R. Strate, Wayne State College
Shelter and Sacred Space: Revitalizing the Wooden House in Cambodia
Mary L. Grow, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture
Observing Ritual on a Japanese Island: Toshidon, Tourism, and Intangible Cultural Heritage
Michael Dylan Foster, Indiana University
Rediscovering Japan: Historical Assets and the Preservation of Japanese Heritage in Postcolonial Taiwan
Yoshihisa Amae, Chang Jung Christian University
Reconsidering the Obscure(d) “Native Town”: Kampung Wards in Urban History and as Heritage in Nusantara Emporia
Imran bin Tajudeen, National University of Singapore
Reconstructing National Identity: The Case of the Khmer Royal Theatre
Helene Nut, INALCO
SESSION 761. 2:45PM-4:45PM
Room 327
Cyber Communities and Their Challenges for China and Beyond
Panel Organizer: Jens Damm
New Means of Interaction between the Public and the Government: A Study of Chinese Politician Blogging
Jin-qiu Zhao, Communication University of China
“Global Guanxi”: Profitable Networking within Online Business Communities in the PRC
Simona Thomas, Free University, Berlin
The Scripting of Taiwan’s Ethnicities
Jens Damm, Chang Jung Christian University
SkyKiwi, Cyber Chinatown, or Diasporic Patriotic Outpost?
Manying Ip, University of Auckland
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